We work closely with our local communities to collect and redistribute free baby essentials and nursery items to families and pregnant women in need.

We operate within a network of local organisations and services, including social services, women’s rights and domestic violence organisations, and maternal and child welfare services. We aim to support and add value to existing provision, helping to create a network of comprehensive support.

We offer support to families and pregnant women through self-referrals and professional referrals. We organise collections in community spaces and deliver to homes, temporary accommodation, and maternity units. We don’t limit how often our service users can access our support and operate on a needs-based model.


The services provided by Baby Collective will be accessible to families and pregnant women who may not be able to receive support, or who commonly experience delayed or inadequate support, through mainstream services. This will ensure that Baby Collective complements existing provision.

Support will be limited to pregnant women or families with babies up to 12 months old, but can be accessed as many times as required during this time period. A self-referral or professional referral form will be a requirement to be completed by anyone wishing to access support through Baby Collective (see GET SUPPORT page for more info.)